Shortlisted at Fashwire Global Virtual Pitch Competition

Shortlisted at Fashwire Global Virtual Pitch Competition

Thank you to Fashwire for choosing us to be in the top 10 finalists of their Global Virtual Pitch Competition! 🙌

Fashwire is a two-sided global marketplace platform with a portfolio of 300+ designers from 35+ countries. Their Global Virtual Pitch Competition aims to support emerging designers from around the globe. Its prestigious line of judges are made up from industry professionals Kimberly Carney, the Founder & CEO of Fashwire, Brian Esposito from Esposito Intellectual Enterprises, Adam Glassman from Oprah Daily, Jackie Trebilcock from New York Fashion Tech Lab (NYFTL), Guia Golden from Instagram & the FashWire Advisory Board and Karsten Newbury, Former Gerber Technology Chief Strategy and Chief Digital Officer & FashWire Advisory Board.

Thank you to Fashwire for providing the opportunity and choosing ZSIGMOND DORA menswear for the shortlist!

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